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Bindarri National Park
Dropping over the Great Escarpment to the north of Tuckers Nob, the Urumbilum River has carved a series of waterfalls in tis remote mountain ravine. Stands of magnificent old growth forest can be visited on four wheel drive roads in the northern park of the park.

Location & Access:
The park is located 20 kilometres west of Coffs Harbour. Access is via Upper Orara, on Dairyville Road from the east, or from Ulong on the plateau to the west. All vehicle access within the park is on rough, dry-weather only, four-wheel drive roads.

Things To Do & See:
Bindarri National Park offers a rugged, rainforested escarpment experience for bush lovers not requiring facilities.

The quiet forest roads can be enjoyed by walkers keen to experience the rainforests and wet sclerophyll forests with their lush understorey and rich bird life. Areas of old growth forest, hoop pine forest or Bangalow palms add highlights to may of the walks.
From Dairyville, visitors will find delightful spots where the sparkling Urumbilum River emerges from the steep gullies into a palm-filled valley. Jersey Bull Road is easy walking and follows the river upstream for a kilometre.

Entering the park vial Langleys Road, off the Coramba Mountain Road, visitors will find themselves in magnificent old growth forest featuring huge brush box and blackbutt. For walkers, the distance in along the northern end of Langleys Road to the park is less than two kilometres.

Bangalore Track can be followed to a high ridge above the dramatic gorge of the upper Urumbilum River, graced by six waterfalls. This area invites exploration by those seeking adventure.

Urumbilum Road gives access to the upper Urumbilum River where experienced rock hoppers can make their way downstream to Try Again, Last Effort and Mirrong Falls.

A challenging climb to Tuckers Nob will put the experienced bushwalker on a prominent peak overlooking the park and presiding over the steep, lush rainforests above Tallowwood Point, which records more rainfall than any other place in New South Wales.

Driving in the Park
Roads within the park are narrow, some are rough, and after wet weather all are likely to be impassable. Please drive safely at all times and be aware that bushwalkers also use the roads. 
Off road driving is not permitted. 

At the junction of Jersey Bull Road and Range Road a viewing point gives views of the Orara Valley, Coffs Harbour and Muttonbird Island.

The forests of Bindarri include sub-tropical and warm temperate rainforest and moisture loving eucalypt forest with rainforest understorey.

Typical species of the rainforests include hoop pine, crabapple, yellow carabeen, white beech, pink cherry, black apple, rusty plum, Dorrigo laurel, coachwood, and callicoma, merging into tall brush box, tallowwood and coastal blackbutt forest.

In the lower wet gullies, Bangalow palms add their graceful fronds to the canopy. An unusual occurrence of cabbage palms can be seen around Range Road.

Day time visitors will hear the calls of many typical mountain birds. Eastern whip birds, grey shrike thrush, kookaburras and crimson rosellas are readily recognisable. In dense rainforest, fruit-loving birds such as the wompoo fruit dove, white-headed pigeon, brown cuckoo dove, green catbird and fig bird may be encountered.

If you take an evening stroll with a powerful torch you may see spotted-tailed possums, powerful, masked and Sotty owls, southern boobook owl, tawny frogmouth, red-necked pademelons or swamp wallabies.


Remember walking is safe, healthy & highly rewarding activity if you plan ahead. 
For more information about Nature Walks & Parks
National Parks and Wildlife Services
Phone: 1300 361 967 (within NSW) or (02) 9253 4600
E-mail: info@npws.nsw.gov.au

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